Our Founder

The Founder who founded more than a company,
Shri Balvantray Kalyanji Parekh has created a legacy of knowledge and virtue.

our founder image

well travelled.

Founder Chairman Of Pidilite Industries 1924-2013

Shri Balvantray Kalyanji Parekh

It is difficult to capture the essence of a man in a few words, especially if he is Shri Balvantray Kalyanji Parekh, Founder Chairman of Pidilite Industries. Fondly known to all as ‘BKP’ and ‘Balubhai’, he was a warm, loving and caring leader who inspired the lives of all those he touched.

To the people who knew BKP closely, he was an exceptional human being with a multifaceted persona. He reached out to all who came in touch with him and left an indelible print on them. He has been described variously as a man with a “humane scientific temperament” and a man who was intent on "creating a legacy of knowledge and virtue.”

our founder

His disarming smile and unassuming demeanour will continue to live in the memory of many people whose lives he touched and transformed.

A quote by Albert Einstein that B.K.P lived by:

“A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”


their eyes

Usha Mehta

Gandhiji has advised industrialists to become the trustees of their property. Balvantbhai fully tried to carry out the advice in his own life. In his behaviour, one would not find the discrimination between master and servant or poor and rich. For him, no individual is small, no work is insignificant.

our founder

A great and unfortunately rare human being , a humane and caring industrialist, he cared for people above prots, though his business proted greatly through his good works. He was greatly loved by all of his employees from drivers and cafeteria workers to top-level managers.

May B. K. Parekh’s legacy of good works live on.

Bruce I. Kodish

With continued conversations, leading questions, and a bit of skillful probing I was able to get to what I believe to be the root of it all. His person knows a great deal about himself. And he keeps this knowledge this awareness, the common failings that all of us share, are not allowed to spoil or pollute the clarity of his generous actions.

Gieve Patel

I, at once, took to this so-spoken man with a twinkle in his eyes to me. He is the quintessential Indian that I love. Sharp, intelligent, shrewd, and, at the same time, warm and compassionate. I encountered a man who, I felt, knows himself and life and accepts both as they are.

Mini Dastoor

A few people have enriched my life through their integrity and strength. I don’t think I can name more than six but, of this I am certain, Balvant is one of them and I shall be grateful for his existence until the end of my life.

Neville Symington
Neville Symington is a senior psycho-analyst in Australia. He dedicated his book “e Blind Man Sees” to B. K. Parekh.

Who knows the truth

Who knows himself

And is faithful to both.